Abbey has always been "special" to me
As you read these words, it's plain to see
She entered this world on Mardi-Gras day
So, it's not surprising
she turned out this way
Always a "star" in my eye
As a baby she never did cry
Her diagnosis promised- not good
Seems she always understood
I did my best to stand beside her
GOD's grace always there to gently guide her
She remains the apple of my eye
I always dreaded our impending "good-bye"
Ever present were my fears
Her life would be shortned by many a year,
I know her life had always been good,
for my precious Abbey Laine
{my} "Hollywood"
Her life was not been easy, we can all agree
She never walked, like you and me
She lost many friends at deaths gate
She was always left here, to contemplate
She always faced life with a smile
After all, this was her style
Now, that she has returned to dust
In Jesus name, I now must trust
Abbey's life, while on earth was ever so just!
23rd February 2009